Welcome to Brasilia, the captial of Brasil, younger than most of our parents yet much wiser. The dream of Brasilian President Kubitschek (1956-1971), this actual Sim City was planned to the T on what was once empty Kansas-like farmland. Most of the trees were planted, no residential building can be taller than 6 stories, unless it´s in the center of town, and long stretches of roads connect secluded neighborhoods spread out across the city. While the city is growing on me I´m still having a hard time buying into the idea of a ¨smart¨ city, whereas I prefer the faults of man which have given us such jewels as Austin and Lubbock.
In due time I will post pictures of the uniquely modern architecture of Oscar Niemeyer that dominates the skyline of Brasilia. But for now...

Two of my Brasilian host-brothers, from left: Canzé, Stewart, Felipe. Notice my US$4 haircut I got at the bus station the night before.

A capoeira baptism (changing of the chords, like belts in karate). I´ll try and post a video I shot of this at the bottom of the post.
Brasilians love them some Jesus Juice. This is actually a special pink version of a soft drink that´s quite good, Guarana, which usually tastes like a cherry ginger ale, this one is more like cotton candy flavored DISGUSTING!

More of my Brasilian family posted up on the deck of their apartment. From left: Felipe, Carol, and Gustavo (they say he´s my Brasilian twin). With Canzé, pictured above, and Clovis who´s in Austin, there are 5 kids ranging from to 24-31. Felipe and Gustavo are actually twins even though they share little resemblence. It is not uncommon in Brasil for siblings to look very different from each other, and no there is not a surplus of milkmen in Brasil.
with love and respect,